Nursery Pig
By Ernie Hansen, M.S., Sep 21, 2022
Continuously challenging accepted norms is often the instigation of new technologies. For example, the most accepted…READ MORE ›
Swine Production
By Morgan Hart, Jul 18, 2022
Most commonly, when the word holistic is used within the swine industry, authors are referring to the use of non-…READ MORE ›
Finisher Pigs
By , May 17, 2022
Split-sex feeding, the practice of feeding barrows and gilts differently, used to be a more common production practice…READ MORE ›
By Henrique Cemin, Ph.D., Mar 22, 2022
The use of fiber in swine diets has been the focus of significant attention recently. Fiber-rich ingredients can be…READ MORE ›
By Dr. Andrew Bents, Jan 17, 2022
We live in a fascinating time in agriculture, and the swine industry is no exception. While we have faced many…READ MORE ›
Finisher Pig
By , Dec 06, 2021
An open and curious mind is an asset worth having, even if it sometimes leads to taking more (calculated) risks. This…READ MORE ›
Pigs at LLRC
By Ernie Hansen, M.S., Sep 20, 2021
Although the LLRC-1 wean-to-finish research barn is fully filtered, the reality is that it only takes one positive case…READ MORE ›
By , Jul 20, 2021
While the pork industry is very good at gathering data on productivity to drive progress, vice behavior is one problem…READ MORE ›
Finisher Pigs
By Henrique Cemin, Ph.D., May 17, 2021
It is well-known that hog prices in the United States have a predictable seasonal pattern, with prices peaking in the…READ MORE ›