Powerstart Solo is a singular product created via a precise blend of multiple technologies. Traditional feeding strategies are now being shaken up thanks to years of research studying lactose levels, soybean meal and gut health. In large nursery systems with several fill dates, Solo-fed pigs have proven that they can perform just as well as their counterparts who were fed two phases of early nursery feed. Large nurseries can find it difficult to implement and manage many phases and budgets over various ages of pigs and fills. Using Solo, however, uncomplicates management while maintaining an adequate complexity of the diet to meet the pigs’ needs.
Piglets will transition more successfully from the sow to dry feed if lactose is present in the starter feed. If there is no lactose present, or if the lactose level is too low, morbidity will increase. During a trial studying commercial pig flow weaning at about 19 days of age and at approximately 12 pounds of body weight, it was determined that low lactose levels reduced the ending body weight by more than 4 pounds and resulted in decreased pig health. Typical early nursery diets are not formulated with low lactose levels; however, in a large nursery system, where there can be a higher probability of improper budgeting, some pigs may inadvertently be underfed their required nutrients. Powerstart Solo is formulated with an adequate lactose level and fed as the sole diet, ensuring that all pigs will receive the lactose they require for enhanced performance and health.
In several trials comparing standard two-phase diets to single-phase diets (as illustrated below), the pigs consistently showed no reduction in performance and, in some cases, demonstrated a slight performance increase compared to the multi-phase program. While Solo is recommended for pigs weighing at least 13 pounds and aged 19 days, our data suggests that there is no detriment to lighter pigs (averaging 10.8–12.1 pounds) of a similar age.
Meta Analysis of Standard Nursery Program vs Single Phase Nursery Program |
Standard |
Single Phase |
CV |
P< |
Pens |
63 |
69 |
- |
- |
No. of Pigs |
2460 |
2630 |
- |
- |
Beginning wt., lb. |
13.24 |
13.29 |
4.2 |
.62 |
Early Nursery (21.9d) |
.64 |
.65 |
7.2 |
.13 |
.73 |
.75 |
6.0 |
.05 |
FG |
1.16 |
1.16 |
5.0 |
.75 |
End wt., lb. |
27.71 |
28.09 |
4.4 |
.07 |
Gain |
14.47 |
14.80 |
6.0 |
.03 |
Late Nursery (22.8) |
1.09 |
1.13 |
9.7 |
.05 |
1.67 |
1.71 |
11.8 |
.25 |
FG |
1.54 |
1.52 |
8.2 |
.41 |
End wt., lb. |
54.15 |
55.14 |
5.8 |
.08 |
Gain |
26.44 |
27.05 |
9.6 |
.18 |
Cumulative (44.8d) |
.87 |
.89 |
6.9 |
.04 |
1.20 |
1.23 |
8.4 |
.15 |
FG |
1.39 |
1.38 |
5.9 |
.67 |
Gain |
40.91 |
41.85 |
6.9 |
.06 |
“The pigs will tell us what’s working,” said Ernie Hansen, manager of swine nutrition, research and technical services at Hubbard Feeds. “The comments we’re getting back from our customers tell us that Powerstart Solo is providing comparable performance with easier management of feed budgets and feed deliveries. This is a win-win situation for everyone.”
Powerstart Solo proves that the right nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated. For more information, contact your local Hubbard Feeds representative.
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