By , Sep 18, 2018

It’s been a tough time for pig farmers lately, with low hog markets — and even tougher for those READ MORE ›

Pigs eating on mat
By Lori Stevermer, Jul 27, 2018
A pig’s nutrient requirements are dynamic and, as pigs grow heavier, their nutrient requirements decrease, due to…READ MORE ›
By Sharlie Hansen, M.S., May 23, 2018

Inflammation is a key element in the health status of the gastrointestinal tract of the pig.READ MORE ›

New Year
By , Jan 01, 2018
For the professional livestock producer, the beginning of a new year is a time to set new goals.READ MORE ›
Leavenworth Research Facility
By Lori Stevermer, Nov 01, 2017
The strategically developed Leavenworth Livestock Research Center has been two years in the making.READ MORE ›
Corn with mycotoxin
By Lori Stevermer, Sep 01, 2017
Mycotoxins aren’t new to anyone in the grain and livestock sector. Yet the prevalence of mycotoxins in grain sources…READ MORE ›
Piglets on Waterer
By Lori Stevermer, Jul 01, 2017
During your daily barn walk-through, you check the temperature, ventilation, feed, and health of the pigs. But are you…READ MORE ›
By , May 01, 2017
Recently I have seen market pig closeouts from farms that show significantly improved gains and feed conversions. What…READ MORE ›