Opti-Remedy is a stable source of blended, broad spectrum, essential oils.
What is Opti-Remedy?
Opti-Remedy contains a blend of the essential oils of oregano, thyme, cinnamon, capsicum and citrus fruit extract. This blend of essential oils provides the following benefits:
- Reduces harmful bacteria
- Increases the beneficial micro-flora
- Lowers pig mortality
- Improves average daily gain and feed efficiency
The essential oils in Opti-Remedy are protected by a unique double coating process. This makes Opti-Remedy less aromatic, more palatable, easier on equipment and heat stable to 130° C. Because of this microencapsulation process, Opti-Remedy is progressively available through the whole intestinal tract resulting in improved health and performance. It also makes Opti-Remedy convenient, safe and easy to handle in the feed mill.
Why Use Opti-Remedy?
Opti-Remedy can be used any time gut health is challenged without reducing feed intake. Opti-Remedy helps promote good gut health by stimulating the growth of the beneficial microbes while suppressing their competitors.
Opti-Remedy Dry:
Mix Opti-Remedy at the rate of 2 pounds per ton of complete feed. Always provide plenty of clean, fresh drinking water.
#80C2—Opti-Remedy Dry, 50 lb.