The COMPLEMIX® Program involves formulating and blending ingredients to complement your home grown forages, grains and purchased commodities to “balance” a ration. The program uses research-backed feeding recommendations.
Batch of One. Unique to Each Farm
The formula ingredient base is individually designed for each farm.
- Addresses specific feeding situations.
- Helps achieve your performance goals.
A COMPLEMIX is formulated using a wide variety of ingredients to:
- Match the needs and goals of each herd/ration.
- Recognize rations are becoming increasingly complex to achieve desired top performance:
- Bypass protein
- Non-structural carbohydrates
Reduced Dollars Tied Up in Inventory
- Ingredients can be worked in or out of a mix without the worry of unused inventory left.
- Short turnaround time on inventory.
- Easy to react with small inventory.
Minimize Storage/Mixing Facility Costs
- A COMPLEMIX includes proteins, minerals, fats, vitamins, additives, etc, all in one batch (1 mix = 1 bin) formulated for your farm.
Mixing Accuracy
- Mixes are blended in state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that can accurately and consistently add and thoroughly mix small amounts (0.1 pound per ton).
- Mixing your COMPLEMIX at a Hubbard Feeds Inc. mill helps you achieve accurate inclusion (avoid excess or shortage) when mixing feeds together in your TMR.
- Improved mixing can be greatly enhanced by avoiding small packs. (TMR mixers are not designed to thoroughly blend critical small inclusion ingredients).
Added Fat Without a Tank
- Including fat in the mix is a convenient and economical way to add fat to the ration while avoiding the hassles and pitfalls of fat tank use.
- A COMPLEMIX may contain up to 12% fat, depending on other ingredients included in the mix. Processing the mix through a pellet mill allows high fat feeds to be handled through conventional feed handling systems with no clumps and reduced shrink.
Savings on Purchased
Feeds Designed to keep purchase feed costs low
$ Cost per cow per day
Maximizes benefit of volume buying
Bulk ingredients available:
Meat & bone meal | Fish meal |
Corn gluten meal | Soybean hulls |
Hydrolyzed feather meal | Urea |
Soybean meal | Wheat middlings |
Pork fat | Dicalcium phosphate |
Sunflower meal | Calcium carbonate |
Linseed meal | Magnesium oxide |
Treated soybean meal | Sodium bicarbonate |
Canola meal |
Trace elements added:
Trace minerals | Antioxidants | Vitamins |
Mold inhibitors | Chelated minerals | Yeast/yeast culture |
Enzymes | Niacin | Flavors |
Common producer purchased commodities:
Heated treated soybeans | Distillers dried grains |
Beet pulp | Cottonseed |
Corn gluten feed |
Labor, Time and Expertise
- By using a COMPLEMIX, feed mixing time and potential errors (additions and/or mixing) can be greatly reduced.
- No small items to add, no bags or added minerals makes for convenient, accurate mixing. This helps save hours and dollars.
Assurance of Ingredient Quality
- Ingredients are only purchased through approved suppliers who carefully monitor quality.
- Purchased ingredients are visually inspected and laboratory analyzed on arrival to ensure expected quality and nutrient content is met.
Feed Freshness
Ingredients which offer best performance (Ex: fat and animal proteins) tend to have greater problems related to feed aging. A COMPLEMIX contains preservatives to prevent mold growth and oxidation (factors which result in feed spoilage and reduced intakes) and allow for rapid ingredient turnover.
Processed for Flow
By pelletizing (processed for flow), ingredients which normally are difficult to handle through augers (Ex: fat, blood meal, meat and bone meal, hydrolyzed feather meal) work well with conventional feed handling equipment and bins while reducing separation.
Inclusion of Additives
The COMPLEMIX Program greatly improves your opportunity to use additives according to your needs. Incorporating additives you choose is very easy and economical (no high priced add-packs) and helps assure thorough mixing.
Well–Balanced Rations
Your COMPLEMIX is formulated specifically to match your unique feeding needs using Milkcheck™ ration balancer and Format Feed Formulation System software.
All products may not be available in all market areas and other products may be offered. Check with your local Hubbard shipping plant or sales representative.