Beginner Plus milk replacers are high performance and easy-mixing milk replacers designed to maximize growth in young calves. Beginner Plus milk replacers are instantized products containing all-milk proteins.
Nutrient Analysis
Refer to product tag for specific nutrient analysis.
Medicated Options Include:
Oxytetracycline and Neomycin Base (from Neomycin Sulfate) For aid in the treatment of bacterial enteritis (scours) and bacterial pneumonia |
Decoquinate For the prevention of coccidiosis in non-ruminating and ruminating calves and cattle caused by Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii. |
Lasalocid For control of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis and Eimeria zuernii. |
Measure 3.0 quarts (.75 gallons) of clean, warm water (110° F) into a clean bucket. Sprinkle 2 full cups* (20 oz. or 1.25 lbs.) of milk replacer powder onto the water surface, mix thoroughly, while adding clean warm water (110° F) until the final solution vilume reachces 4 quarts (1 gallon).
*Enclosed cup holds 10 oz. of milk replacer powder level full.
At Birth: Feed 4 quarts (1 gallon) of clean, disease free, high quality maternal colostrum or 1 package of OptiPrime calf colostrum replacer within 4 hours of birth followed by another 2 quarts of colostrum or begin feeding milk replacer within 12 hours.
Day 2: Begin feeding Beginner Plus milk replacer according to tag directions. Offer clean, fresh water at all times.
4 to 35 days of age: Provide a texturized 18% calf starter along with clean, free choice water. Replace daily and keep fresh and clean at all times. Continue to feed Beginner Plus milk replacer according to tag directions.
35 days of age: Reduce milk replacer feeding by 50% when calves are consuming at least 2 lbs. of calf starter daily. Provide free choice water at all times.
42 days of age: Wean completely when calves consume at least 3 pounds of calf starter for 3 days in a row. Offer free choice 18% calf starter and free choice water for two weeks prior to moving and grouping.
Cold Weather Feeding: Newborn calves can experience cold stress at temperatures below 50° F. Options for providing more nutrients to calves during cold stress include:
- Feed up to 50% more milk replacer solution per calf per feeding (feed 3 quarts versus 2 quarts per feeding).
- Add a third 2 quart feeding during the day.
- Add Calf-Cal high energy supplement to the existing milk replacer.
Management Tips
- Sprinkle milk replacer powder onto water for best mixing.
- Agitate powder and water with a wire whisk.
- Offer clean, fresh water at all times.
- Clean, sanitize and air dry feeding and mixing equipment after each feeding.
- Introduce a high quality calf starter at 4 days of age.
- Avoid feeding hay prior to weaning.
- House calves in a well ventilated area.
- Provide clean, dry bedding at all times.
These products, which contain added copper, must not be fed to sheep or related species that have a low tolerance level to copper.
These products have been formulated specifically for dairy calves and are not intended for other species.
#37598 or #46511—Beginner Plus 24-20 Non-med, 50 lbs.
Other drug and additive options also available.