By Ellan Dufour, M.S., Feb 20, 2019

When performing daily walk-throughs with your calves there are four things to consider: feed, watREAD MORE ›

By Jon Pretz, PH.D., Jan 23, 2019

Dairy producers across the United States continue to face countless challenges as they experienceREAD MORE ›

By Angie Golombeski, Ph.D., Nov 28, 2018
The 2018 corn silage harvest is complete and corn harvest is now in full swing. However, the weather this year has…READ MORE ›
By Ellan Dufour, M.S., Nov 06, 2018
Do you feel prepared to raise calves during the winter season? The lower critical temperature of a young dairy calf is…READ MORE ›
By Jon Pretz, PH.D., Sep 17, 2018
Trace mineral nutrition and its application in dairy rations continues to receive significant attention through…READ MORE ›
By Ellan Dufour, M.S., Jul 26, 2018

Pasteurized whole milk is one of many strategies used to supply the liquid diet of growing calvesREAD MORE ›

By Angie Golombeski, Ph.D., Jul 18, 2018

It’s nearly time to start thinking about corn silage harvest.READ MORE ›

By Jon Pretz, PH.D., May 15, 2018

Alfalfa is a staple in the diets of high-producing dairy cows across the nation due to its ideal READ MORE ›

By Ellan Dufour, M.S., Apr 25, 2018

Often overlooked, water is the most important nutrient for dairy calves.READ MORE ›