By Lori Stevermer, Nov 01, 2017
The strategically developed Leavenworth Livestock Research Center has been two years in the making. Although the…READ MORE ›
By Jon Pretz, PH.D., Nov 01, 2017
The summer heat is gone, and we are well on our way to the cooler months of the year. With our 2017 forages now in…READ MORE ›
By , Oct 01, 2017
By Tyler Melroe, M.S., Beef Nutritionist, Hubbard Feeds Managing a herd’s fertility is a continuous process in which…READ MORE ›
By Lori Stevermer, Sep 01, 2017
Mycotoxins aren’t new to anyone in the grain and livestock sector. Yet the prevalence of mycotoxins in grain sources…READ MORE ›
By Angie Golombeski, Ph.D., Sep 01, 2017
Water is an essential nutrient. When ranking the elements needed for nourishment, water follows only oxygen in…READ MORE ›
By , Aug 01, 2017
By: Cadra Van Bibber-Krueger, Ph.D., Beef Nutritionist, Hubbard Feeds It’s that time of year again when calves are…READ MORE ›
By Lori Stevermer, Jul 01, 2017
During your daily barn walk-through, you check the temperature, ventilation, feed, and health of the pigs. But are you…READ MORE ›
By , May 01, 2017
“If you want to win, do the ordinary things better than anybody else does them day in and day out.”  Coach Chuck Noll…READ MORE ›
By Jon Pretz, PH.D., Apr 01, 2017
Dairy producers are aware of the negative implications heat stress can have on the lactating cow. However, the often-…READ MORE ›