By , Oct 17, 2018
With winter just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about protein and energy supplementation again. There…READ MORE ›
By Lori Stevermer, Oct 11, 2018
As the fall harvest begins, farms across the U.S. will begin pumping manure from the pits of swine and beef barns. The…READ MORE ›
By , Sep 18, 2018
It’s been a tough time for pig farmers lately, with low hog markets — and even tougher for those farmers who have…READ MORE ›
By Jon Pretz, PH.D., Sep 17, 2018
Trace mineral nutrition and its application in dairy rations continues to receive significant attention through…READ MORE ›
By Hubbard Beef Nutrition Team, Aug 23, 2018
Focus on reproductive performance: Profitability of cow-calf operations is largely determined by cow reproductive…READ MORE ›
By Lori Stevermer, Jul 27, 2018
To further refine and more closely match the growing pig’s nutrient requirements, producers can also implement split-…READ MORE ›
By Ellan Dufour, M.S., Jul 26, 2018
Pasteurized whole milk is one of many strategies used to supply the liquid diet of growing calves. This whole milk can…READ MORE ›
By Angie Golombeski, Ph.D., Jul 18, 2018
It’s nearly time to start thinking about corn silage harvest. Corn silage is typically an economical source of energy…READ MORE ›
By Hubbard Beef Nutrition Team, Jun 20, 2018
Cow-calf producers often simply view creep feeding as a way to increase calf weaning weights beyond what can be…READ MORE ›