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Co-Author: Rob Zelinsky, M.S. & Hubbard Feeds Companion Animal Team
1. Ultrasound Pregnancy Diagnosis
- Sell open ewes during inflated cull ewe markets
- Economical feeding (less over and under feeding)
- Identify ewes with multiple births and feed accordingly
- Cost
- Extra ewe handling during pregnancy
2. Shearing
- Lambs find the teats more quickly
- Ewes udder stays cleaner
- Existing barns house more shorn ewes than full-fleeced ewes
- Dryer barn
- Less bedding required
- In cold seasons, ewes will lamb in the barn
- Ewes are more agile
- Monitor condition/udder development of ewes more easily
- Cold stress
- Ewes can eat 10-20% more feed in extreme cold weather
3. Body Condition Score
Assign a number 1-5 based on the amount of condition
- 1 = Emaciated
- 3 = Average Body Condition
- 5 = Obese
Desired Body Condition Levels:
- Summer 2.5 to 3
- Late Gestation 3.5 to 4.0
- Lactation maintain 3
- Handle ewes along their spine and across their loin edge to determine a condition score.
- Don’t make evaluations based on covering over the ribs.
- Blueprint Sheep Mineral will enhance performance during breeding, late gestation and lactation.
4. Sort ewes and feed accordingly for a uniform body condition at parturition:
Sort by:
- Age
- First-time lambers
- Body condition score
- Stage of gestation
- Number of lambs based on ultrasound
- Goal of body condition score of 3.5 to 4.0 at lambing
5. Make use of a feed scale:
- Minimizes Acidosis/Overeating
- Sheep will stay on feed and allow producers to safely reach desired outcome at lambing
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